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Oakdale Junior School

Learning for Life



Oakdale Infants' and Junior School Uniform 

Wearing our school uniform promotes our core value of equity.  It also gives children a sense of belonging and pride as member of our school community.


Oakdale Infants' and Junior School uniform:


  • green sweatshirt, v neck jumper or cardigan (plain or with Oakdale logo)
  • white or green polo shirt (plain or with Oakdale logo) or plain white shirt
  • grey trousers, skirt, pinafore, playsuit or culottes
  • green and white checked summer dress or playsuit for summer
  • smart grey shorts for summer
  • plain black sensible shoes (low heeled) or plain black trainers (no white sole or coloured laces) that your child can fasten easily (no boots or open toed sandals)  
  • white or grey socks
  • grey or green tights (no visible leggings under skirts or dresses)
  • coat appropriate for the weather
  • minimal green or grey hair accessories
  • plain black or white religious headwear



Oakdale Junior School P.E. Kit:

  • T-shirt in team colour (red, blue, yellow, green)
  • black shorts 
  • plain black tracksuit (sweatshirt and jogging bottoms)
  • drawstring PE bag (plain or with Oakdale logo)
  • black plimsolls/trainers (must be an alternative to school shoes)
  • swimming kit:     
  • close fitting trunks or one piece swimsuit
  • towel
  • swimming hat
  • flip flops/jellies



If your child has pierced ears they can wear small studs but they must be removed on P.E. days. They will not be covered in school and therefore plans to get the ears pierced must be reserved for school holidays when they can stay in place for the necessary time frame.


No other jewellery should be worn in school. Simple educational watches can be worn (no SMART watches).


We are aware that some children will wear jewellery of religious significance. For their safety, it is important that items are removed on P.E. days wherever possible


Book bags 

From September 2024, pupils attending the Infants’ and Year 3 will only be allowed to bring in a book bag and drawstring PE bag (no rucksacks allowed). The Juniors will be phasing in the use of book bags so all Year 3 children can continue to use the one they have at the Infants’ and any other year groups may move to this if they wish. This is to minimise the amount of space taken up by pegs in our already narrow corridors.

School uniform with the Oakdale logo may be purchased online from


A PE kit may be purchased from the school office as a set, containing team colour shirt, black shorts, and a team colour P.E. bag


STIKINS Name Labels - Fundraising


The Oakdale Infants' and Junior School PTFA is registered with STIKINS Name Labels for easy fundraising - there is 30% commission with every purchase. Please use our fundraising number for each school: Infants 14715 and Juniors 14717. There is so much lost property across both schools - please ensure that your child's name is in every item. Using STIKINS makes it easy for children to find their jumpers, coats, hats...the list goes on!