Year 3
Circus Skills (15.6.22)
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a circus skills workshop linked to our text 'Leon and the Place Between'. The children learnt to spin plates, how to work a diablo, stilt walking and wheel heeleys. All the activities were challenging yet super fun!
Museum of London visit (7.6.22)
This week, Year 3 visited the Museum of London to learn more about life in Roman Britain. The children had a fantastic time exploring the Roman London galleries and looking at real Roman artefacts that were over 2000 years old!
Fractions Museum (29.4.22)
This half term in maths, we have been learning about fractions. We have enjoyed making models of unit and non-unit fractions and have challenged ourselves to represent equivalent fractions. Take a look at our amazing museum!
Daily Mile (28.4.22)
This week, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Daily Mile, joining 335,000 children worldwide in running/walking.
Stone Age Day (8.3.22)
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed Stone Age Day led by Portals to the Past. The children made a brilliant effort with their outfits and fully immersed themselves in experiencing Stone Age life.
World Book Day (3.3.22)
Year 3 had a fantastic day celebrating the 25th anniversary of World Book Day. The children looked great in their costumes and enjoyed some special reading activities during the day.
Investigating natural rocks (2.3.22)
In science this term, Year 3 enjoyed investigating and classifying different types of rocks based on their properties. The children examined natural rocks closely and tested their durability and permeability.
River Thames workshop (16.11.21)
This term, Year 3 took part in a River Thames workshop which involved working with experts from the Thames Explorer Trust. The children enjoyed learning about the features of the River Thames and how the river has changed over time. They also learnt about river ports and how cargo is transported to the UK from different parts of the world.
Following the workshop 3C, 3D, 3R visited the Museum of London Docklands and walked down to the River Thames to search for artefacts on the foreshore. The children then predicted what they had found and what year it might have been from. We were very impressed with their knowledge and enthusiasm.
Friday 26th March 2021
It has been lovely having the children back in school after lockdown. They have settled back into the school routine brilliantly. Here are pictures of the exciting learning they have been enjoying.
Science- Rocks
In science we have started our new topic learning about rocks and soils !! The children loved identifying the types of rocks into metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. We were very impressed with their knowledge.
We have been continuing to read 'Stig of the Dump', the children have been learning through drama. They took turns to re-enact a part of the book where Stig and Barney spent the day together.
DT (14th December 2020)
Year 3 have been learning about the importance of Fairtrade and have been baking their own gingerbread using Fairtrade products. Take a look at our pictures below.
Science (1.12.20)
As part of our 'light' topic, we have been investigating shadows and how they change in size. Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side! So we were unable to complete our investigation this week- we hope to continue next week!
Fancy dress day! (27.11.20)
We loved seeing the children in their fancy dress costumes and we were so impressed with their effort.
Geography (20.11.20)
This week in geography, we continued our work on rivers by studying the journey of the River Thames. We identified and labelled the key features of the river such as the river source, mouth, estuary and meander. We then enjoyed learning about the towns and cities that the River Thames flows through.
Science (20.11.20)
This week in science, Tom from our text 'The Great Explorer' needed our help! We investigated what material would be the best for his curtains in his igloo, so that no light would be let in. We tested different materials using a torch to see whether it was opaque, translucent or transparent.
English (12.10.20)
We have come to the end of another busy week in Year 3! We have now started our class text 'The Great Explorer' written by Chris Judge. As part of the story, we have been debating whether Tom should travel to the North Pole to rescue his dad. We have also explored his thoughts and emotions through drama using the 'show not tell' technique.
Click on the links below to watch:
3C class debate
3D class debate
E and I!As-Q9hw438JyggF6D94LVq1udArr?e=HWtZyM
H and I!As-Q9hw438JygX2N43LbLBrrir-s?e=giLjGJ
K and Y!As-Q9hw438JygX7VpYmxOVaYiD81?e=qjV8VR
M and M!As-Q9hw438JygX8YawGMkTklFKRd?e=pKUElJ
N and R!As-Q9hw438JyggA8CNQdfoATl8HV?e=I1QEIp
Our 'show not tell' technique
PE (12.10.20)
In preparation for sports day next week, the children have been practising the shot putt. Due to the weather, we were unable to use the field. Fingers crossed for a sunny day next Wednesday!
Science (12.10.20)
This week, we have been investigating how light travels from a light source. We have used mirrors to help us reflect light and then drew diagrams of our experiment. Take a look at our pictures below!
For National Poetry Day, Year 3 have been learning the poem 'Constellation of stars' written by Zala Ejaz. We have adapted the poem to create our own version using juicy adjectives and powerful verbs. We then rehearsed and performed our poem in class. Click on the intitals below to watch performances from each class.
This week, Year 3 have been reading Thankyou letters to the NHS and have been learning about their features. We have created our own success criteria to help us plan and write a letter to Planet Earth based on the story ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers.
Year 3 have been sharing their positive memories about the current school year. We have designed our own t-shirt on paper that reflects these moments on the back and what we are looking forward to this year on the front.